By 2050, the population of the world will have risen to nine billion, all of whom will consume increasingly more raw materials. There is a threat of food, water and energy shortages. Suitable solutions are needed urgently. What does this mean for companies? It means that they must switch to socially responsible business operations. Not just because they have to, but also because there are new opportunities there. Sustainability is the new norm. In a sustainable society, companies will rediscover the logic of nature. As a source for developing products that are future-proof and profitable. In which closed technical and organic cycles are the norm.
If you would like to know more about our vision on sustainability, read the publication. ‘Kwestie van Prioriteit (‘Matter of Priority’) in which the founder of Constantis – Lex Eschauzier – describes his vision of CSR, sustainability and the long term. At the moment the publication is only available in Dutch.